Though The Sandbox has not been shy about selling land, there hasn’t really been much new for land owners. That may all change over the next few months as The Sandbox unveiled a new Land Owner roadmap with information about neighborhoods, more land sales, and an land upgrade system!
Wake up owners of The Sandbox land! We have a new ‘Q2 2023’ (did someone forget to update the banner image?) Land Owner Roadmap from The Sandbox!
The biggest feature in the roadmap is the plan to open up experience publishing to all land owners later this year. We’ve already seen a few cool things from third party developers from the recent application-based publishing system. But opening it up to everyone should be very interesting! And luckily, The Sandbox has added a search feature to help you find specific land experiences to join!
And aside from the secondary markets, The Sandbox still holds regular sales as well, filling out the blank areas in the map. They’ve already sold 2,000 plots this year, with plans for several thousand more before the end of the year!

What Else is on the Roadmap?
Public publishing isn’t the only thing landowners should be interested in. Premium land owners in particular should be glad to hear that The Sandbox plans to work on highlighting those plots more, giving their NFTs special tags and making them stand out more on the map.
Additionally, The Sandbox has begun creating neighborhoods in their virtual universe, areas where similar projects may be grouped together. Other than that, neighborhoods don’t really have any significance — for now. At one point a while back The Sandbox was talking about having neighboring plots interconnected in some way, but I don’t know if that concept is still in the works or not. The Sandbox team does talk about plans to incorporate neighborhood specific activities in the near future.
Another interesting part of this roadmap includes a buyback program by The Sandbox to periodically purchase Land plots for sale on the secondary markets. These repurchased plots will then be loaned out to creators who want to build but don’t have the means to acquire a land plot of their own. Pretty cool!
They also teased a land ‘level-up’ system. What exactly this means and how it works we don’t yet know. But it will involve the Catalyst system in some way. Catalysts are items that can be used to provide some sort of bonuses to NFT items. This is the first time we’ve heard of it being used or land plots.
There should also be exclusive NFT awards available soon for land owners who hold their plots for more than 90 days.

Closing Thoughts
It’s great to see this momentum from The Sandbox. For a while, it was feeling like there was not much progress beyond a never-ending series of land sales. But now on top of the regular official events from The Sandbox, we have third party developers releasing their own play to earn experiences, with a promise of an even wider opening of the publishing system later this year. With neighborhood focused events, airdrops for land owners, and hopefully our first taste of the Catalyst system, things are heating up again in The Sandbox!
To learn more about The Sandbox, read our complete Sandbox Review and guide here. You can also visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord server.